(Links i dette indlæg er på engelsk, medmindre andet er angivet)
I Yemen, et af de fattigste lande i den arabiske verden, står millioner af mennesker over for en alvorlig humanitær krise; udbredt hungersnød og kronisk fejlernæring.
I marts gav velgørenhedsorganisationen Oxfam International i en pressemeddelelse en alvorlig advarsel:
Yemen is at the crossroads of humanitarian catastrophe international aid agency Oxfam said today in reaction to new figures from the World Food Programme, which showed a radical increase in the number of people facing severe hunger in the country. The new figures indicate that 45 percent of the population in Yemen do not have enough to eat – more than 10 million people, with half of these people severely food insecure and in need of urgent emergency aid.
Massemedierne er dog mere interesserede i Al Qaedas tilstedeværelse i landet, hvilket tilsyneladende berettiger den amerikanske drone-krig.
Yemenitten Mohammed Adel Alamar, tweetede i fortvivlelse:
@M7mmdAdel: 10 million Yemenis facing #famine in Yemen! The world only cares about #Qaeda and #DroneStrikes them and to hell with the 10 million
Oxfam gav flere tal:
@Oxfam:.@WFP [World Food Programme] reports #Yemen food insecurity levels have doubled since 2009. Today 5 million people go hungry so often that it affects their long-term health
Yemen har i årevis haft problemer med fødevaremangel, og Al Jazera English producerede for nyligt to videoer der fremhævede hvordan den fortsatte politiske uro har forværret situationen og sætter mange børns liv på spil.
Den britisk-yemenitiske blogger, Omar, tweetede Al Jazeeras billede af et alvorligt fejlernæret barn:
@OmarMash: ‘The tiny bodies are still breathing’ – Babies starve in Yemen's hospitals, he's a lucky one, he made to the hospital.
Den yemenitiske blogger, Afrah Nasser, skrev et indlæg med titlen “Hungersmød i Yemen”:
Food crisis is increasingly becoming epidemic in Yemen. Reports of starvation and malnutrition among children in Yemen have been gripping headlines for a while. Last night [April 27], UNICEF spokesman Mr. Mohammed al-Asaadi spoke to al-Jazeera about this issue and said, “Around 1 million children are food insecure and malnourished. At least 120 thousand under-5 children may die between now and the end of 2012 if no action is taken.” […] I wonder what the government is doing exactly to tackle this issue. It's really sad that politicians in Yemen could ignore the children's plight.
Omar tweetede:
@OmarMash: The #YemenFoodCrisis is only going to increase in severity if not immediately dealt with by international donors, the Yemen government and the GCC [Gulf Cooperation Council].
Han tilføjede:
@OmarMash: I have a horrible feeling that in 6 months time the #YemenFoodCrisis will at its peak, only then will the world's attention be focused.
Yemenitten, Loubna Maktary bosat i London, opfordrede til øjeblikkelig handling for at redde Yemens døende børn:
@LoubbyM: Children in Yemen are dying of HUNGER!!! Stop ignoring them. Yemen is not a political problem, it is a human catastrophe #YemenFoodCrisis (:
Der hersker håb om at fødevarekrisen vil blive diskuteret på Friends of Yemen Conference [konferencen for Yemens Venner ] i Riyadh d. 23. maj. UNICEF har opfordret til at man holder børnene i centrum af konferencens dialoger om sikkerhed og politik.