(Alle links i dette indlæg er på engelsk)
En katolsk præst fra et sogn i Zambias østlige landdistrikt er blevet udvist af den zambiske regering grundet en søndagsprædiken i hvilken han angiveligt prædikede, at de rige i landet blev rigere mens de fattige blev fattigere.
Fader Viateur Banyangandora, 40, blev hentet i Lundazi før han af Zambias sikkerhedstjeneste blev ført over 800 km væk til hovedstaden Lusaka, der er kendt under initialerne OP eller Office of President [Præsidentens Ministerium]. Herefter blev han overgivet til indvandringsdepartementet hvilket førte til udvisning til hans hjemland, Rwanda.
Indenrigsministeren, Edgar Lungu, der annoncerede præstens udvisning, sagde:
Fr. Banyangandora’s conduct was found to be a danger to peace and good order in Zambia contrary to Section 39(2) of the Immigration and Deportation Act, No. 18 of 2010.
Hans indledende anholdelse og den efterfølgende udvisning blev modtaget med blandede følelser af zambiske netbrugere, i betragtning af at den siddende PF-regering menes at have fået hjælp af en række katolske præster under dens valgkampagne mod den tidligere regering MMD. I hans tidlige dage fastslog den katolske præsident Sata, at Zambia ville blive regeret i overensstemmelse med bibelske principper.
I en kommentar om udvisningen, skrev Political Analyst [siden har ikke et permanent link til individuelle kommentarer]:
Following the 10 commandments l presume? Deporting a man of God??
I et andet bidrag skrev Abana Ba Mfunu:
Why should we allow foreigners to be interfering in the internal affairs of the country, let it be a lesson to other foreigners who don’t like keeping their mouths shut!!!!
Colonial Apologist svarede:
@Abana Bafumu. You are the same person who would grin and clap when Bishop Duffy and the Radio Ichengelo preist would say things against MMD. People like you are a waste of space in Zambia. Try a little bit of sincerity and maturity.
I hvad der synes at være en bøn, skrev Mwape:
The catholics are tasting their own vomit. Everyone knew what type of a hyena was Sata but the catholic Church went ahead and crowned him king. Let’s continue watching as the drama continues am a catholic but on my church’s support for Sata left me puzzled. God we have suffered enough in these few months Sata has been in power and it seems things are just getting worse. Please send your holy spirit to help him guide your flock using the ten commandments. May you also give the catholic leaders a prophetic lens to help them know what is good for your people. It may take few days or years but Lord I know you will come to our aid. Redeem your children from this government. I ask all this through Christ our Lord who live and reigns with you. Amen!
I en tidligere historie om præstens anholdelse skrev Saulos:
Cursed are those who are dragging the Priest for preaching true gospel. The day comes when the whole truth shall be reviewed when the current gvt will be tossed out like a monkey who has missed a branch and falls to the ground without remedy. OP guys tell Mr Cobra the truth do not cheat our President he is not working yet, Suppose we had By-elections do you think PF would survive. Let us face reality people of the Nation.
Forbandet er de, der slæber præsterne væk for at prædike ud fra det sande evangelium. Dagen kommer hvor hele sandheden vil blive revideret når den nuværende regering vil blive smidt ud som en abe, der har ramt ved siden af en gren og falder til jorden uden kur. OP-folk fortæller Hr. Cobra, at sandheden ikke snyder vores præsident. Han arbejder ikke endnu. Antag vi havde supplereringsvalg. Tror du PF ville overleve? Lad os se virkeligheden i øjnene, folk af Nationen.
En sarkastisk Ninny skrev:
deport the Catholic priest to Rwanda. How dare he talk about poverty in zambia? Cannot he see rich president, rich Guy Scott [Vice President] , rich kabimba [ruling PF secretary general], rich GBM [Defence Minister], rich richie Rich. Where is poverty in zambia? It is in your mind you pathetic priest. Go back and live in poverty in your country. Zambia is a very rich country. We have only two classes rich and upper rich.
På Facebook skrev Waziona Nkhwekwe:
Mr Speaker if Priests will be arrested because of their sermons I wonder who is safe in this Country? The Pf Government learn to rule the Country without threats and intimidation . Such methods have been used before in this Country and they lamentably failed !
Historierne om præstens anholdelse og efterfølgende udvisning blev tweetet og retweetet flere gange og fremkaldte forfærdelse:
@anglissima: WTF! #Zambia Priest detained for preaching “rich getting richer, poor getting poorer”. http://zambianwatchdog.com/2012/08/01/op- … via @GNdhlovu