(Links i dette indlæg er på engelsk, medmindre andet er angivet)
En eksplosion ramte mandag eftermiddag en af Nairobis hovedveje, Moi Avenue, i Kenyas hovedstad. Indledende undersøgelser peger på, at eksplosionen skyldtes en elektrisk fejl i området. Kenyas politikommissær har afvist rygter om bombeangreb forbundet med Al-Shabaab.
Kenya har været ramt af en serie af bombe- og granatangreb siden landets militære indtrængen i Somalia mod Al-Shabaab, døbt “Opreration Linda Nchi” (“Operation Forsvar Landet” på swahili).
Netbrugere diskuterer tragedien og deler informationer under hashtaggene #NairobiBlast og #MoiAvenueBlast på twitter.
Hold jer venligst væk:
@__RamzZy__:Unless you're the press, If you've no business near the scene stay away. Let the Police & Rescue teams do their work. #MoiAvenueBlast
@cobbo3: Dangerous for pple to gather on Moi & Kimathi St after #MoiAvenueBlast. If terror bomb, usuallly a 2nd bomb is nearby to hit crowds.
Mediernes ansvar:
@jaydab: @mckenziecnn,we r waiting to see n hear what ul say about #nairobiblast. report as it is and dont exaggerate.
@CyrusNjoroge: When social media landed in town,we all became ‘experts’.We never wait for facts. #Nairobiblast
@saddiqueshaban: I sincerely hope @MediaCouncilK is keenly watching the conduct of media houses as they report on the #nairobiblast. Resposibility a must
@Kevin2Tek: #NairobiBlast now trending globally.Please watch what you tweet,dont spread panic or pander lies!
Hvad var skyld i eksplosionen?:
@iAMneshynsky: people should stop jumping into conclusion and say its an al shabaab atack..it could be anything at this point #NairobiBlast
@careywinnie: oh God,i hope my movie stalls friends are ok and everyone else!! #NairobiBlast #moiavenue wtf happened?
@jowac50: RT #NairobiBlast Police boss Mathew Iteere says explosion caused by electrical fault – Reports
@Fionaakumu: The words “blasts” and “explosions” need to be re-examined. Since when did they become synonymous to each other? #MoiAvenueBlast
Regeringens uansvarlighed:
@tonybkaranja: We really need a disaster management plan that's not just on paper #nairobiblast
@MisterAlbie: Again our lack of proper disaster awareness and preparedness bites us in our behinds. #Firehydrants etc #MoiAvenueBlast
@TeamKonshens1: Just shows how incompetent our Emergency response teams are!! Looks like a movie on live TV! #NairobiBlast
@iCabway: #MoiAvenueBlast reminds us why fire hydrant installation MUST be enforced in this troubled age. African cities are hopeless in that regard.
Plyndringer midt i tragedien:
@iAMneshynsky: Looters doing what they know best on moi avenue #NairobiBlast
@rmunene: Kenyans “siphoning” shoes and clothes from the stalls at the scene of the blast. #nairobiBlast #KTNLiveStream
Politiets ineffektivitet:
@ArybaStacks: I don't know why police are still allowing people along the whole Moi Av. stretch… What if there is a second blast? #MoiAvenueBlast
@Mwanikih: Cops making a bad situation worse by forcefully trying to evacuate the crowds. Now guys are shouting “Mlikua wapi?” [where were you?] #NairobiBlast
Kenyas Politi siger, at de 27 mennesker der kom til skade under eksplosionen er under behandling.