(Alle links er på engelsk, med mindre andet er angivet)
En forestående konference om AIDS og kønssygdomme i Afrika har skabt polemik, efter religiøse ledere og højtstående embedsmænd i Etiopien holdt møde tirsdag d.29. november 2011, om hvorvidt de skulle forbyde aktivister for homoseksuelles rettigheder at samles omkring den internationale konference eller ej. Mødet opstod efter religiøse ledere aflyste et pressemøde, der skulle have fordømt aktivisternes planlagte konference.
Den 16. internationale konference om AIDS og kønssygdomme i Afrika bliver afholdt i hovedstaden Addis Ababa søndag d.4 december, hvor flere end 200 aktivister, eksperter og FN embedsmænd forventes at deltage.
Efter det religiøse samfunds forsøg på at aflyse konferencen, vendte etiopiske netborgere sig til Facebook for at diskutere homoseksualitet i deres land. Homoseksualitet er ulovligt i Etiopien og kan straffes med op til 15 års fængsel.
I følge 2007 Pew Global Attitudes Project mente 97% af etiopierne, at homoseksualitet skulle afvises af samfundet, hvilket var den næsthøjeste procentdel af folk, der afviste homoseksualitet fra en undersøgelse lavet i 44 lande, kun overgået af Mali med 98%.
Alligevel er der etiopiske netborgere, der begynder at have et andet syn på homoseksualitet.
Hallelujah efterlyser en civiliseret, offentlig debat om emnet:
Sooner or later we need to have a civilized public debate about the issue. We shouldn't hate or discriminate,but rather be bold,articulate and critical enough to express our disapproval of the practice of Homosexuality from a spiritual,moral,social,health and nature and survival perspectives.
Følgende er en kommentartråd, der følger efter beskeden på Hallelujahs væg.
Lilly Kidane synes, at vi skal være medfølende på dette punkt:
We need to address it and try to be compassionate about it as well, we have created God in our image and what ever we dont like and we dont understand and we judge we say God doesnt like it either, but God should be, in my opinion, beyond all this small stuff of who is sleeping with whom. We all need to find what makes us happy and be greatful for it
Hun tilføjer:
how boring would it be if the whole world be the same. It takes all kinds of people to fill up the world
Bisrat Teshome siger, at følelsesmæssige reaktioner på homoseksualitet ikke er acceptable:
As to me, i don't consider homosexuality as a problem by itself. It is preference of people. People are rational and have the right and full knowledge to choose what is good for themselves (of course under the umbrella of the legal system of the country). These types of emotional and discriminatory reactions from religions are unacceptable.
Osman Mohammedsiraj mener, at debatten burde handle om, hvordan man kan beskytte etiopiere fra “spredning af epidemien”:
Gay and lesbian rights are among issues that are not worth discussing in Ethiopia, since it is forgone conclusion that everyone across all religious affiliation disapproves them. But the discussion should rather be how to protect our people from spread of the epidemic
Nuhamin Getachew mener ikke, at homoseksualitet hører hjemme i Etiopien:
i am thanking God for those of us who still believe it is an utterly unnatural act. Also,i CAN NOT believe i am reading approvals for it from ETHIOPIANS?? Guys please,let us keep the dignified country our proud forefathers handed to us and not confuse civilization and plain immorality!!
Markos spørger:
I think we are missing the ONLY point here….Since when people treated so awfully like this for THINGS they practice on themselves?
Mesfin Tekle siger, at Afrika bliver nødt til se problemet i øjnene:
This issue is very complex but sooner or later our country and the continent of Africa will have to deal with it. This is not a curable disease like polio that you can prevent with a vaccination.
Bob Herold spørger:
Something to think about. What if one of your children who you have LOVED, nutured, and provided for came to you and said, ” I am gay”. Could you just turn your back on them. Does this make them a terrible person. As a matter of fact does this change them in any way other than what they do in the PRIVACY of there on home. Hmmm.
Selam Araya ser homoseksualitet som tegn på en forvirret generation:
I was trying to read the comments and debates above. and just wondered “what would be the response of the past generation to this issue.” I would guess completely against homosexuality” even better, how about the next generation. I would guess completely pro to it. we are the confused generation!
Sewenit Belete skrev [amh] følgende protestbesked på amharisk på Facebook:
Agenda of the Meeting at Jupiter hotel revealed.
For the World HIV conference which will be held at millennium hall, the main point of the agenda is “To stop the spread of HIV AIDS and homosexuality as a solution” … another objective of this meeting is to influence the Ethiopia government to make a supportive law to accept this extremely bad practice which leads to corrupt families and the country.To do this, they are trying spend a lot of money and plead support of the international organizations.
Well respected, rich and educated people in Ethiopia are actively participating in this as if this is the peak of their knowledge and wisdom.
And anyone who believes in the existence of God …. anyone who knows how to live in a society should object/protest this bad practice which spoiled Europe and the Western world.
Dagsordenen for mødet på Hotel Jupiter afsløret.
Til HIV-Verdenskonferencen, som bliver afholdt i millennium hall, er dagsordenens hovedpunkt “at stoppe spredningen af HIV, AIDS og homoseksualitet som en løsning”… Et andet formål med mødet er at få indflydelse på Etiopiens regering for at få gennemført en lov, der skal støtte op om denne ekstremt dårlige praksis, der fører til korruption af familier og landet.
For at gøre det, prøver de at bruge en masse penge og hente støtte fra internationale organisationer.
Respekterede, rige og veluddannede etiopiere tager aktivt del i dette, som om det var højdepunktet i deres visdom og kundskab.
Og alle, der tror på Guds eksistens… alle der ved, hvordan man lever i et samfund, bør sige fra/protestere mod denne dårlige livsstil, som har ødelagt Europa og den vestlige verden.
Debatterne fortsætter på Facebook, som mere end 90% af den etiopiske befolkning har adgang til.